Step 2 - Connect BlueFolder
Perform the following steps to connect to BlueFolder to AccountsInSync:
- Log in to BlueFolder and access the BlueFolder API Settings by clicking Settings-->Integration
- In the drop down menu next to 'Grant API access to:', choose a user (preferably with the Role of Administrator). All actions performed by AccountsInSync in BlueFolder will appear to have been performed by this user.
- Your BlueFolder API Token now appears on the API Settings page. Take note of this for step 5 below.

- Log in to AccountsInSync settings, click the Applications menu and then click the BlueFolder tab
- Fill in the following details:
BlueFolder URL: https://[your-company] and replace [your-company] with your own custom BlueFolder address.
API Token: as per step 3 above

- Click Save
Note: Access to BlueFolder by AccountsInSync can be removed by pressing the 'Remove Access' button at step 3 above.