




Creates/overwrites a single Xero invoice per single or multiple BlueFolder ticket(s) for the billable sales value of BlueFolder tickets. 
The ticket is marked billed in BlueFolder with the corresponding invoice number. Clicking the invoice number links to that invoice in Xero.
The Xero invoice screen displays an "AccountsInSync" button that links to the corresponding ticket in Xero.

Also known as: Accounts Receivable invoice, AR 


Bluefolder to Xero (Xero invoice contents overwritten if re-posting for same BlueFolder ticket) 


Invoices are created for

·        Monthly Consolidation of multiple tickets into a single invoice occurs when:

o   Customer-level custom field as define in AccountsInSync setting "Custom field for Consolidated/Monthly customers" is ticked

o   Customer-level custom field 'PaymentTerms' equals "Monthly"

o   AccountsInSync setting "Default Payment Terms" equals "Monthly"

Exclude a single ticket from Monthly Consolidation:

- Ticket-level custom field as define in AccountsInSync setting "Custom field for excluding from Consolidated/Monthly" is unticked

·        Invoice Status is set by 'Xero invoice status' in AccountsInSync Settings:

o   Draft

o   Approve & Send - Single Invoices will be automatically emailed (Monthly Consolidated emails still require manual sending). See Customers for priority of which email address is stored for the customer in Xero. This is the same email address that invoices will be automatically sent to.

Selecting "BCC Invoice to Accounts email" in AccountsInSync settings will send a copy of these emails to the Account Email address as specified on the General tab in AccountsInSync settings.

Field Mapping

Xero Invoice Field


Contact Name

BlueFolder Customer - Name


Single Invoices
BlueFolder Ticket - Closed Date 

Monthly Consolidated Invoices
Last day in the month of the BlueFolder Ticket - Closed Date

Due Date 

Priority for Single Invoices

1.      BlueFolder customer-level custom field "PaymentTerms" matches one of the above predefined text values. The corresponding number of days are added to the Xero invoice date.

2.      Selected value for "Default Payment Terms" in AccountsInSync settings. The selection of "Use Xero Dates" is defined below. Otherwise the selected value results in the corresponding number of days being added to the Xero invoice date.

For Monthly Consolidated Invoices

Determined by the selection for "Due date for Consolidated/Monthly invoices" in AccountsInSync settings. The selection of "Use Xero Dates" is defined below. Otherwise the selected value sets the day in the month for the month following the invoice date.

Priority when "Use Xero Dates" is selected for either of the above settings:  

1.      Xero contact-level "Invoices Due Date" is calculated from the Xero invoice date

2.      Xero organisation-level "Sales Invoices Default Due Date" is calculated from the Xero invoice date

3.      BlueFolder Ticket - Closed Date

Invoice reference

For Single Invoices
The text specified in "Invoice Reference Prefix" in AccountsInSync settings is pre-pended (with no space) to the BlueFolder Ticket Number. Default value if not set is "Ticket " but could be set to "Work Order ", "Service Request" etc. Notice the space after the word Ticket which results in a reference such as: Ticket 1234 

For Monthly Consolidated Invoices
The format used is: INV - [3 Letter Month + Year], which results in a reference such as: INV - Jun 2016


The header is a section of text on the invoice that provides details about the Ticket. 

·        On a Single invoice the header is inserted above the first item line.

·        On Monthly Consolidated invoices, a header is inserted above the first item line for each Ticket on the invoice.

The header is customisable using the "Header" section in AccountsInSync settings. Each line in the header is made up of "Prefix" text pre-pended (with no space) to the "Tag". Tags are a dynamic list of fields relating to a BlueFolder Ticket which are enumerated when invoices are posted to Xero. BlueFolder Ticket-level custom fields are included in the list of Tags. Tags are named as they are defined by BlueFolder in their documentation.

The default header if none is specified (quote marks only shown to demonstrate where a space is required):



"Ticket: " 


"Contact: "


"Completed: " 


"Description: "


Which results in header line such as:

Ticket: 1234 
Description: General Service 
Completed: 15/07/2016 4:41 PM 
Contact: John Smith

Item Lines on Invoice

Sorting: Invoice line items are sorted by the BlueFolder Ticket - Item - Date

Grouping: Determined by "Group invoice lines by" in AccountsInSync settings. A header will be added above a group of line items on the invoice, eg. a date header when line items are to to be grouped by date. 

·        Date

·        Item Type (Labour, Materials, Expenses)

Item Code

If "Use Xero Inventory" in AccountsInSync settings is enabled for a specific item type (Labor, Material or Expenses), the BlueFolder Item Name is used. Otherwise this field is left blank. 


·        BlueFolder Item - Description

·        Non Billable Label

o   "Suffix for non-billable items" in AccountsInSync settings

o   The specified text is appended directly to the end of the Description text without a space. Example " (no charge)" without quotation marks

·        BlueFolder Item - Comment (Public)

·        Contract Label

·        Labour Tags

o   "Include extra detail for labour items" in AccountsInSync settings

o   Assignees - the name of the BlueFolder User specified on the labour

o   Start Time - the start time as specified for the Labour item


BlueFolder Item Quantity (Materials, Expenses) or Duration (Labour) 

Unit Price

BlueFolder Item - Price 



1.     Sales Account Code of the Xero Inventory Item that has a name matching the BlueFolder Item Name (if ‘Use Xero Inventory’ is enabled)

2.      BlueFolder Item - Account Name (if corresponds to Account Code of a Xero revenue account)

3.     Default Sales Account Codes in AccountsInSync settings

Tax Rate

If BlueFolder Item is set as taxable in BlueFolder: use Xero Tax Code that matches name of BlueFolder Settings - Tax Code for that BlueFolder Item. 

If BlueFolder Item is set as non-taxable use a non-taxable Tax Code from Xero.


When status of ticket changed to Closed.


When status of ticket changed to Closed.

Existing invoices in Xero will be overwritten (deleted/voided) with new invoices. 

Deleting or Reopening a Ticket for more details.  


None - Requires manual action for corresponding records in both applications

Error Handling

Email field is required when Xero Invoice Status is set to Approve & Send in AccountsInSync settings. An error email will be generated if a valid email address is not found . 

If no valid Tax Rate is found in BlueFolder Settings - Tax Code an error email is generated. Refer to AccountsInSync setup instructions for how to set a Tax Rate. 
If an existing invoice can't be overwritten with new details on edit, an error email is generated and the ticket is not posted to Xero. 

If any other error occurs during posting of invoice to Xero an error email is generated and the ticket is not posted to Xero.

Note: Predefined accepted values for BlueFolder customer-level custom field "PaymentTerms" of type "List" are: "COD", "Net 7 Days", "Net 14 Days", "Net 30 Days".

Note: If Item Names in BlueFolder are longer than 30 characters, consider using Alternate Inventory Field Mapping

Note: Tickets on Monthly Consolidated invoices can be sorted on the invoice by making a selection for "Sort tickets on Consolidated/Monthly invoice by" in AccountsInSync settings:

·        Ticket Number - sort in numerical ascending order of ticket numbers

·        Date Closed - sort in date ascending order of BlueFolder Ticket - Closed Date

·        Location - sort in alphabetical ascending order of BlueFolder Ticket - Location